During the seven months that Jake & Josh were hospitalized, we sent 10 emails explaining and updating their conditions.
Our distribution list began with a few dozen names. It grew to several hundred.
The responses we received were phenomenal. The emotional outpouring truly helped sustain us during this trying time. It got to the point where we had a kid-on-Christmas-morning feeling after we sent an e-mail, just waiting for replies.
Since the e-mail dated Dec. 6, 2002 -- which celebrated Josh coming home and our daily visits to the Medical City NICU ending -- we've gone to our distribution list for things like a couple of party invitations, celebrating milestones and, of course, our March of Dimes work.
Along the way, we began opening the notes with the phrase, "Dear Jake & Josh fans." Now that the emails come once a year, folks have told us they look forward to their annual update topped by that phrase.